Do You Get Heartburn More Than Once A Month?
"If You Give Me 7 Minutes I Can
Guarantee You'll Never Have
Heartburn Or Acid Reflux Again...

When You Discover This FREE Heartburn Secret You'll Eliminate Your Heartburn Forever And Reduce Your Risk Of Throat Cancer By 80%, And You Won't Have To Spend a Dime Visiting Your Doctor Or Buying Any Expensive and Dangerous Drugs…


Now, for the first time you can completely reverse your suffering with heartburn and acid reflux without a single trip to the doctor or any dangerous and expensive drugs.

If you suffer with heartburn or acid reflux after you eat, while you sleep or anytime at all this may be the most important message you ever read.

But, I must warn you, the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical companies like Merck, AstraZeneca and Pfizer aren't happy with me sharing this heartburn cure because it cuts into their drug profits.

I can't win a fight with their lawyers so please take a few minutes to read this letter before I'm forced to remove it…


Don't Let The 300 Billion Dollar
Pharmaceutical Industry Trick You!

Have you been chewing on Tums and Rolaids for years, or even taken a prescription or over the counter drug to help "deal" with your heartburn and acid reflux – but still suffer with pain whenever you eat your favorite spicy foods?

You've seen the commercials on TV and they promise to stop your heartburn with pills like Nexium and Prilosec, but the truth is no drug will ever actually cure your heartburn or reflux.

Drugs can mask or even block the symptoms, but once you stop taking them you'll be suffering all over again.

Not to mention the horrific side effects drugs like Nexium have on your body.

Recent scientific studies at Stanford University and several other top research facilities proved the top heartburn drugs like Nexium and Prilosec:

And these dangerous drugs are prescribed to over 18 Million Americans every month!

The truth is that needing to take medication to relieve your heartburn and acid reflux is a lie. It's a trap set by the pharmaceutical companies to profit from your ignorance. And as long as you keep believing what they tell you, you'll never cure your painful heartburn and reflux.

If you suffer with heartburn you must take action now and solve the problem for yourself, this is very serious. Not only is heartburn annoying and painful, but it also leads to much more serious health risks.

The pain you feel during a bout of heartburn is your stomach acid literally eating away at your esophagus, just like battery acid corrodes metal.

And if you have chronic heartburn and acid reflux, which means you suffer from it more than once a month, you're at an incredibly high risk of contracting Gastrointestinal Reflux Disease or GERD.

GERD happens when your highly caustic stomach acid constantly washes up into your throat and damages the lining of your esophagus because of chronic heartburn.

This constant damage to your esophagus can cause a variety of serious health issues such as Barrett's Esophagus, Strictures and even Cancer.

Recent research has shown that over 80% of esophageal cancer cases are directly caused by GERD.

Unless you're looking forward to dealing with throat cancer and everything that comes with it (including chemotherapy, radiation and death) I highly recommend you get your heartburn under control right now…

Your Heartburn Is NOT Your Fault

The good news is that it's not your fault. Your inability to cure your heartburn doesn't actually have anything to do with your lifestyle or what you eat.

The real reason you haven't been able to get rid of your painful heartburn is because of the huge amount number of lies you've been told by the pharmaceutical and food conglomerates.

They've been force-feeding you poison and calling it "food" and "medicine" for decades and the result is you are left to suffer in pain.

Heartburn is one of the top 10 reasons people go to the doctor, only surpassed by back pain, arthritis and high cholesterol.

In fact most people who go to the doctor for upper respiratory and stomach related issues end up being told they actually have acid reflux which is causing their symptoms.

Billions in health care costs can be directly attributed to these disgusting trends.

Luckily there is a solution…

When You Learn This 7 Minute Heartburn
Cure You Will Stop Suffering With Pain And
Side-Effects Immediately

My name is Lisa Michaelsen, I'm the founder of the Perfect Health Association and in a moment I'll show you how to cure your heartburn forever.

Once you do, you'll never have to fear eating what you want, never wake up at night with that burning in your chest, never feel like acid is bubbling in your throat and never feel bloated, gassy and sick because your "ate the wrong thing."

When you cure your heartburn you'll be able to eat and drink what you want without fear and never have to carry that little pack of TUMS around in your pocket again.

I know because I've been stuck in the trap myself. At one point I thought I'd never be able to enjoy a glass of wine with my husband again, even one sip gave the most terrible heartburn and it lasted for hours…

And don't get me started on spicy foods. I love Indian and Thai food, especially curry, but for years I couldn't even look at them because I would suffer for 10 to 12 hours after just one bite.

But when I discovered the hidden truth, I was able to go out to eat wherever we wanted, attend dinner parties again and never live in fear of the searing pain I'd endured for years before.

The Real Reasons You Have Heartburn

As I said before, Big Food and Big Pharma are to blame for your heartburn.

The Big Food companies like Nestle, PepsiCo, Kraft, General Mills and others pack so many unnatural, genetically modified ingredients in your food that your stomach has no choice but to "revolt" and over-produce acid to counteract and digest these deadly toxins.

Just look at these rats, they developed deadly cancer tumors within months of eating foods produced by these murderous companies. Can you imagine what it's doing to your stomach?

And then the Big Pharma companies spend hundreds of millions in advertising to convince you that their dangerous drugs like Nexium and Prilosec will cure you.

When in fact those drugs just cause many more problems (heart attacks, bone fractures, kidney and liver failure) and don't do anything to get rid of the cause of your heartburn.

It truly is not your fault, but now it's your responsibility to fix the problem for yourself…

Recently I was introduced to the incredible Dr. Karen Vieira, a biomedical scientist who's devoted her professional life to discovering, testing and proving the most safe and natural ways to cure ailments of all kinds.

From diabetes to vision issues, acid reflux to heartburn, Dr. Vieira spends hundreds of hours in her lab analyzing the true cause of your health issues and develops natural cures for many of the most common problem you face.

What she told me about heartburn completely changed my thinking about how to get rid of my pain and enjoy life again heartburn free.

What you have to understand is that heartburn is not caused by having too much stomach acid ask doctors and drug companies would like you to believe.

More Stomach Acid Is The Best Possible Cure
For Heartburn

On the top of your stomach is a small ring of muscle called your Esophageal Sphincter. This muscle is acts as a gate and is responsible for opening to allow food into your stomach and staying tightly closed to prevent food and stomach acid from flowing upward.

When you swallow food your body sends a signal to open the gate and allow the food to enter your stomach.

Once you've finished swallowing the gate closes tightly to keep everything in your stomach.

While you're digesting your food your stomach produces acid to break the food down. The presence of this acid causes nerves in your stomach to signal your Esophageal Sphincter muscle to stay closed as tightly as possible.

When it's closed tightly no stomach acid can wash up into your throat which means you won't suffer from heartburn. When it doesn't close properly hydrochloric acid from your stomach splashes up into your throat and burns it.

The issue is that the majority of heartburn medications and many of the unnatural, modified foods we eat today reduce the amount of stomach acid your body produces.

This lack of stomach acid does 2 terrible things.

  1. Without enough acid in your stomach the gate muscle is never signaled to close and you suffer with chronic acid reflux and heartburn because of it.
  2. You can't digest your food as quickly as you should so it just sits in your stomach while your body keeps trying to produce acid which causes a huge number of digestive issues.

Your stomach isn't allowed to work the way it should and that's what's causing your heartburn, acid reflux and GERD.

If you could simply fix this simple problem you'd be able to completely stop your heartburn in its tracks.

Dr. Vieira discovered a simple combination of ingredients from nature that encourage your stomach to produce the right amount of acid and resolves this problem completely.

Once I Learned How To Make The "Secret Cocktail" My Heartburn Disappeared Overnight…

After I realized that the cause of my heartburn wasn't the foods I was eating or something "wrong" with my stomach I stopped taking all the mediations I'd tried before (TUMS, Rolaids, Nexium, Prilosec, etc).

And then I started using Dr. Vieira's "Secret Cocktail" everyday and my heartburn literally disappeared.

The cocktail is made of completely natural ingredients I could find at my local grocery store for under $10, then I just boiled some water, mixed them in and drank the delicious drink before eating.

The first week I saw a huge reduction in my heartburn.

The second week I followed the plan and didn't drink it every day. To my amazement my heartburn stayed away.

I was literally training my stomach to produce the right amounts of acid and tell my muscle gate to close at the right times.

As we discussed earlier, it's not the types of foods you eat that cause heartburn. Your stomach acid is stronger than any spicy, fatty or acidic foods you could ever eat.

All that matters it getting that little ring of muscle at the top of your stomach to open and close at the right time.

The "Secret Cocktail" activates specific protein production cells in your stomach that are the key to healthy digestion. These proteins signal when your stomach should produce acid, when your gate muscle should open and close and just about everything else your stomach needs to function properly.

I also learned more incredible tools I could use to beat heartburn in case the cocktail wasn't enough. I've been using them all for months now and haven't had a single bout of heartburn since.

After beating my own heartburn I did some research and discovered that over 60% of the population, or 191 million people in the US alone suffer with heartburn.

I decided it was my responsibility to share this miracle cure with as many people as I possibly could.

This 7 Minute Heartburn Solution Works For Anyone Who Uses It

All humans are different in how they think, act and behave, but our bodies all work in the exact same way.

When you chew and swallow food it travels down your Esophagus, passes through your Esophageal Sphincter and enters your stomach where it's digested.

If you're one of the 191 million people who suffers with occasional to chronic heartburn then this method will absolutely work for you just like it worked for me.

The cause of your heartburn is the same as everyone else's and this natural treatment will completely cure it and stop your pain from heartburn and acid reflux.

Not only will it cure your heartburn, but it will prevent you from becoming one of the 15,590 people who die from throat cancer ever year in the US alone.

I'll Be The First To Admit, I'm Not A Doctor Or Medical Expert

I can't speak for everyone who has tried the Complete Heartburn Solution. But I know that I'm no Dr. Oz. I don't have any formal training in medicine.

But I suffered with heartburn for years and nothing I tried really worked. I always refused to take pharmaceuticals because of the side-effects.

And that's exactly why I spent weeks finding a Doctor who could help me. I'm so grateful I found Dr. Vieira and she agreed to help me.

I must have eaten pounds of TUMS and Rolaids, drank gallons of Pepto and tried every so-called cure under the sun – and nothing worked for me for more than a few minutes.

I wasn't until I tried Dr. Vieira's "Secret Cocktail" and followed the steps she gave me that I was able to completely reverse my heartburn and start enjoying my favorite foods again.

I could finally sleep through the night without waking up with the dreaded "fire" in my throat. I drove my husband crazy with all the tossing and turning, trying to find a position that would make the burn go away.

I could have kept suffering, but I decided to take action and find a real solution.

And now it's your turn…

What will you do? Will you leave this page and keep suffering or will you set aside your doubt and use the only proven method I've discovered to completely cure your heartburn and acid reflux?

The choice is yours…

I'd Like To Introduce You To The Complete Heartburn Solution

Here's a sneak peak at just ten of the tricks you're going to discover.

  1. The common home reflux remedies you absolutely must avoid. Your grandma may have told you the would help, but they're just making your condition worse.
  2. Dr. Vieria's "Secret Cocktail" that virtually guarantees instant relief of your heartburn pain. You just whip it up and drink it with you meals, the exact ingredients are revealed on page 49.
  3. The miracle $2 powder you probably already have sitting on your shelf that will give you immediate pain relief faster than any pill, tablet or "pink goo" on the market.
  4. How to heal any damage heartburn has done to your stomach using one inexpensive powder, this little wonder can help with ulcers and other damage to your stomach and esophagus.
  5. Are your clothes the problem? The type of clothing you wear can aggravate your reflux and heartburn, this simple change can have a huge impact on your health.
  6. The one tropical fruit you should be eating everyday to keep your stomach happy and healthy. And the best part is it's absolutely delicious and you'll find out what it is on page 48.
  7. The truth about TUMS. They seem innocent and you may be popping them everyday to help with the pain, but meds like this are proven to have a reverse effect on your condition over time.
  8. How to combine common items from your pantry to create a 100% proven reflux remedy. It's counterintuitive, but it works every single time!
  9. The 5 Myths you've been told about treating acid reflux and how they're actually making you feel worse. Hint, milk is the worst thing you can drink when you have heartburn.
  10. The secret to perfect sleep is on page 43. Acid reflux kept me up at night for years, when I did this one simple thing I never woke up with a burning throat again.
  11. The most dangerous combination of foods. When you combine these 3 common types of food you're putting yourself directly in the cross-hairs of painful reflux. But it's so simple to fix when you discover this.

Over 307 hours of research and writing went into this project, but it's still compact as possible so you can learn everything you need to get rid of your reflux immediately.

You don't have to suffer with pain any longer, just follow the incredibly effective plan in my book and you'll have a shortcut to permanent relief.

You're probably not interested in having to hunt through books, papers and studies like I did to find Dr. Vieira.

In fact, chances are good that if you did, you'd miss some of the most important secrets you're about to uncover.

I know I did my first time around. Here's the trick.

You can get the research and testing done for you and bundled in this easy to read little book.

It's almost like having Dr. Vieira sitting in your living room whenever you need her.

And you won't need any drugs or medications.

Right Now You Can Get It Absolutely Free

You see, over the past year alone I've sold thousands of copies of the digital version of this heartburn relief formula for up to $37, the retail price.

You should see the piles of success stories I have siting on my desk, it's incredible.

However, right now for a limited time only I'm offering it as a gift to you as a test offer.

I decided to get 2,000 copies of the book printed up as a perfect bound soft-cover book.

Here's a picture of one of the boxes my printer just sent over

After selling thousands of the digital version I've found that people really want a book they can hold in their hand and put on the shelf, which is why I'm doing this limited promotion.

To be honest, I've never done this before and I don't know if I'll ever do it again. What I do know is if you're on this page right now you can claim yours free.

All I ask is that you cover a small shipping and handling fee.

It costs me money to professionally print, stock, package and ship the book and I'm willing to cover the cost of printing and stocking for you.

I just need you to cover the cost of shipping and handling so I don't go broke giving this away for free to you.

All I ask is $9.95 for the shipping and handling, which is 74% less than the $37 retail price we typically get for this.

Click the button below now and complete your order, and I'll have the book rush shipped via UPS and out the door today.

All you have to do is follow the steps and you could be seeing immediate results within minutes.

Still Not Sure If This Is Worth Just A Tiny Shipping Fee?

Here are a few more insider tips you'll find inside the book.

Will This Work For Me?

Like I said before, heartburn is caused by one thing, acid sneaking past your esophageal sphincter muscles and burning your throat, it's the same for everyone.

No matter if you're 35 or 85, male or female, live in California or New Zealand this proven heartburn cure will work for you just like it does for everyone else.

If this reflux remedy method is so wonderful, why am I giving it away for free? There are three honest reasons why I'm doing this test offer.

First, just $9.95 for shipping puts this book within reach of the vast majority of people. It's not too expensive for anyone who wants a real, effective plan to alleviate their heartburn and acid reflux.

Second, anyone who's not serious enough about stopping their pain to invest $9.95 isn't going to take the time to use the methods laid out in this guide anyway.

Third, anyone who's serious enough to put down the price of a hamburger and fries (which will probably give you heartburn anyway) to buy this book will tell every trustworthy person they know how great their results are.

That way, I don't have to spend as much getting the word out and can help more and more people get relief and be pain free.

If you're serious about discovering the proven secrets of true lasting heartburn relief, and if you'd like to claim your step-by-step instructions now, click the button and reserve your copy today.

If you need to justify the expense, skip going to McDonald's for dinner once this week or don't buy that overpriced Starbucks, then it's paid for.

In Case You're Still On The Fence I'm Going To Sweeten The Deal

For acting today I'm also going to include the Quick-Start Reflux Cookbook that gives you a set of 17 delicious recipes that are proven to be safe for your stomach and begin the healing process.

You'll receive a digital version of this cookbook you can download immediately so you can go through it while we ship you your copy of the Complete Heartburn Solution.

Inside this quick and easy cookbook you'll find 17 tested recipes that won't cause heartburn, reflux or pain that you can easily whip up at home for yourself and your family.

I've personally tested each of these breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes myself and they're easy to make and absolutely delicious.

You'll also learn the types of foods you should be including in you home cooked meals to avoid painful reflux flare-ups.

Some of these ingredients will shock you because the health industry has fed you a line of misinformation about reflux and you've been eating the wrong things for years because of it.

You'll also discover the one key ingredient to use in your own cooking that virtually guarantees that you won't have a bout of painful heartburn after dinner or while you sleep.

The Quick-Start Reflux Cookbook retails for $17 normally, a dollar per recipe, but when you claim your free copy of the Complete Heartburn Solution today I'll toss in the digital version completely free.

Look, I don't think you could get a better value for a free book, but just in case, I'll guarantee this will work or I'll pay you $9.95 just for trying it.

I'm so sure that this is going to help you that if it doesn't, I don't want your money.

And To Prove It I'm Giving You A Complete Double Your Money Back Guarantee

Guarantee 1: If for any reason you think my book isn't worth the tiny $9.95 investment, just send the book back and I'll gladly refund your whole $9.95 shipping.

Guarantee 2: If you actually do what I recommend and your results aren't great, I'll actually refund twice your money back. All I ask is that you give me an honest effort.

See, you're in complete control of this situation. If your results are anything less than stellar I'll pay you out of my own pocket.

Claim your copy in the next six minutes. Time is very much of the essence. I can't stress the time-sensitiveness of this limited offer enough.

Like I said, I only ordered 2,000 copies from my printer and when they're gone I'll have to take down this offer until we can print up another batch.

Complete your order in the next 6 minutes to ensure you get a copy.

If you don't get this book right now you could miss out on this deal forever, so fill out your information below now to claim your copy of the Complete Heartburn Solution risk-free.

Warning: you will make mistakes. Get help before you try to do this alone. The mistakes you avoid could literally save your life.

80% of Esophageal cases are due to reflux, why would you risk being one of them when you can get the complete solution from my book?

When someone is giving away a proven method like this for free there isn't a good reason not to grab it.

You either need to give up and keep suffering with heartburn and reflux, keep looking for the next miracle drug, keep putting your health at risk or get this book right now.

Don't let Big Pharma keep lying and poisoning you, stop the pain and fix the problem yourself the safe way.

If a tiny $9.95 shipping fee is the only thing standing between you and success with the Complete Heartburn Solution, know that your order is 100% risk-free.

Your order will be processed using the highest level of security, the same type of security Amazon, Apple and Ebay use.

Remember, there is more real actionable information in this short book than you'll get reading a dozen books twice it's size.

The methods inside the book have worked for me and thousands of other people just like you.

It's 100% double guaranteed so you can't possibly lose.

You're in complete control of the situation.

In fact, if you try the step-by-step instructions in the system and they don't work for you for whatever reason, I'll pay you $9.95 just for taking the chance.

Go ahead and order your copy right now and I'll send you the $17 Quick Start Acid Reflux Cook book completely free of charge as my way of saying "Thanks" for become a new VIP customer.

I can't wait to send you your copy of the Complete Heartburn solution. As soon as you complete your order I'll pack it up and mail it to you via UPS, you should have it in 3 – 7 days.

Oh, and one more thing I forgot to mention.

I have a team of professionals waiting to answer any questions you may haveabout your order, the book or anything else you might want to talk about.

They're just a phone call or email away.

You'll probably talk with Bob or Tiffany and they'll be happy to answer any questions for you. You can call them toll free at (877) 760-4124 Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm Mountain Time.

No mysterious "INTERNET" company here, we're a small business with offices in Denver, Colorado and we'd love nothing more than to help you cure your heartburn right now.

Go ahead and place your order right now.

To your perfect health,

Lisa Michaelsen

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the page, here's the deal:

I'm mailing you a real page book that is the exact system that thousands of other people have used to rid themselves of heartburn and acid reflux, regain their independence and take back their life.

The book is free, and all you pay is the shipping of $9.95.

Plus I'm also including the Quick Start Acid Reflux Cookbook and a full 365 days of Personal 1-On-1 Phone Support, completely free included with your Complete Heartburn Solution Book order today.

If you have any questions about anything covered in the book - or if you'd just like to talk about a specific pain condition or treatment, we're here to help in any way possible.

Just pick up the phone and call us at (877) 760-4124 or email us for personal support.

No Other Book On Heartburn Comes With This Level Of Support.

This is a very limited offer because I've only ordered 2,000 copies of the book and they are packed and ready to be shipped.

There is no "catch" to this offer. You will not be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that.

In fact, if you don't like the book let me know and I'll even give you back the $9.95 you spent in shipping.

Click here and claim your copy now. You won't regret it.